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New paper on neotropical dry forest loss
C.A. Portillo-Quintero, G.A. Sanchez-Azofeifa, Extent and conservation of tropical dry forests in the Americas,
Biological Conservation,
Volume 143, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 144-155, ISSN 0006-3207,
DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2009.09.020.
Estimating Extent of Occurrence (EOO) or Area of Occupancy (AOO) with Google Earth and GE Path
EOO and AOO as used by the IUCN Red List are two different ways of looking at the geographic range of a species. Estimates can be made in a variety of ways, see the CATS tool developed at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Another way is to make use of the high resolution images on Google Earth where it is possible to 'draw' your species range based on your knowledge of an area or the habitat in which it occurs. One way to do this is as follows:
Scratchpad Development 3
Had a few issues after the upgrade to Drupal 6, but the site is back up to where it was (thanks to scratchpad team).
Dabbled with Panels again, but decided (again) not to include them. Seemed to slow the website quite a bit and found I was hiding most of the panels anyway. So it is back to a simple page for each assessment indicating the rating (images from Wikipedia) and with pdf reports attached.
Scratchpad development 2
List of 1,500 legume species just added. I've included tribes to make it a bit easier to navigate. You can also use the search box at the top of the right sidebar. By clicking 'taxonomy' first it will search by taxonomy terms e.g. species lists.
Scratchpad development 1
A few updates to the scratchpad:
Locatilities in Venezuela
I found an interesting document for three Venezuelan localities.
LAPI scratchpad
The Latin American Plants Initiative at Kew (part of the Aluka Project) has set up a useful Scratchpad
There are lists of collectors along with examples of their handwriting and maps of collection localities.
Chinese geographical description translations
English Chinese phonetics (pinyin)
East dong
South nan
West xi
North bei
mountain shan
range ling
peak feng, ding
valley keng, gu
island dao
river he, chuan, jiang
stream xi, yong
lake hu, chi
sea hai
harbour gang
bay wan
outlet kou
city shi
county xian
village xiang, cun
hamlet tun