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Filtered on - Date (Dec 2008)
Note to self... updating taxonomic fields using splink
Splink > filter 'Full' = 'Completed', Family sorted A-Z ascending.
Assessments on website edited up to and including Bulbostylis pseudoperennis, Cyperaceae.
To be continued...
Useful links and helpful tips
All link/tip info from blog entries up to this date (09/12/08) entered into 'Useful Links' pages or as individual 'Helpful Tip' pages.
Herbarium data for Guyana, French Guyana and Suriname plus georeferencing information
Great website, which has not only the specimen data, but all specimen collection localities listed with coordinates, so great for georeferencing!
Link to specimen data:
Link to locality data:
Indian plant species website
The following website has a database of 930 indian plant species that are traded for their medicinal properties, but which are also of conservation concern: