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Filtered on Author (sbachman), Date (May 2008).
Global Forest Watch - Interactive maps
If you have a species in Alaska, Brazilian Amazon, Cameroon, Canada, Central Africa, Congo, Indonesia, Russia or Venezuela, then this site might be useful:
The interactive maps are quite detailed with GIS layers relating to forests. Some of the data can be downloaded as well.
Niche models on GBIF
GBIF have recently added a pretty neat tool to their data portal. You now have the opportunity to create a niche model based on the occurrence data from GBIF. Niche models attempt to define areas of suitable habitat for a species.
Simply search for a species and in the Actions window click the option for 'create niche model'.
New georeferencing tools from GBIF and Google Earth
A match made in heaven?
GBIF occurrence data and Google Earth:
Aside from searching gbif and displaying occurrence records in google earth (something already avaialble via the main gbif portal) there are a couple of extra tools.
You can link directly to the Alexandria gazetteer via a nice query interface and it will create a placemark for your search results:.
Many of you seem to have found this site already, but just in case you haven't:
Haven't checked it out properly yet, but this site might be useful for assessments.